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ELEX - Alvar location on map - Easy way to find Alvar very fast - Where is Alvar on ELEX

ELEX - Alvar location on map

The mission is called: The Second Guard and is available near Berserkers entrance (Edan)

Just go to left on first road / path and talk with Eldur

This Eldur, will ask to find another guard called Alvar because is afraid of attacks on gates.

So, simply get the quest and teleport to Hotel Ruins of Goliet

Then go to down / jump down and use your jet to not die.

And here is Alvar


Elex video game

Simply like hell :))

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ELEX - Alvar location on map - Easy way to find Alvar very fast - Where is Alvar on ELEX

The Second Guard. The Cultivator Eldur is worried about the recent increase in jackal attacks. The gatekeeper Alvar was assingned to guard the Cultivators in the field, but he has gone missing.

Eldur would like me to go the gate guard, Drog, to find our where Alvar is.

Updated by Sandu Lobada on 2017.10.24

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