Always will be free

High On Life Direct3D d3ddx10_43.dll d3d11.dll ID3D11Device d3dx10_43.dll d3d9.dll D3DX9_43.dll d3d11.dll d3d10.dll xinput9_1_0.dll How to fix these errors High On Life PC 2022

High On Life

High On Life video game.

For some players is a pain in the d3d device. So, to fix these errors: Direct3D program can't start because is missing, d3ddx10_43.dll program can't start because is missing, d3d11.dll program can't start because is missing, ID3D11Device HoL Game 2022 d3dx10_43.dll program can't start because is missing, d3d9.dll program can't start because is missing, HoL Game 2022 D3DX9_43.dll program can't start because is missing, d3d11.dll program can't start because is missing or HoL Game 2022 d3d10.dll program can't start because is missing ?

Then the easy way to fix this is download and install directx from here (you need re-install not ONLY update!!!)

Recommended Action before doing anything ?

Clean Windows and Registry with this:

Windows and Registry Cleaner for Gamers

More fixes for video game and comments

High On Life

The problem is not yet fixed ?

Try this: (be sure that you have all installed)


1. Download and install framework from here

2. Also download and install all vcredists from here.

High On Life Not FIXED ? try this.

Now your issue should be fixed !

High On Life Errors:

HoL Game 2022 The program can't start because d3ddx11_42.dll is missing from your computer.

HoL Game 2022 The program can't start because d3dx10_43.dll is missing from your computer.

HoL Game 2022 The program can't start because d3d9_43.dll is missing from your computer.

High On Life

It was not possible to create Direct3D rendering device. You may need to reinstall DirectX and/or update drivers for your graphics card.

High On Life

The program can't start because d3d11.dll is missing from your computer.

High On Life The program can't start because d3d9.dll is missing from your computer.

The program can't start because D3DX9_43.dll is missing from your computer.

The program can't start because xinput9_1_0.dlll is missing from your computer.

Also you can fix: DirectX function "GetDeviceRemovedReason"

DirectX function "GetDeviceRemovedReason"

High On Life out of memory error, High On Life out of memory crash

This guide can also be used to fix another video games and it is working fine one:

Microsoft Windows 11 32 bits and 64 bits (x86 and x64)

HoL Game 2022 Microsoft Windows 7 32 bits and 64 bits (x86 and x64)

Microsoft Windows 8 32 bits and 64 bits (x86 and x64)

HoL Game 2022 Microsoft Windows 10 32 bits and 64 bits (x86 and x64)

Windows 11 d3d11.dll

Windows 11 d3d12.dll

High On Life Fix errors - Direct3D d3ddx10_43.dll HoL Game 2022 d3d11.dll ID3D11Device, High On Life PC 2022 d3dx10_43.dll d3d9.dll HoL Game 2022 D3DX9_43.dll, High On Life PC 2022 d3d11.dll, High On Life PC 2022 d3d10.dll, HoL Game 2022 xinput9_1_0.dll, fix xinput9_1_0.dll error

High On Life

Guide created by Sandu Lobada today

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